One of the first things most families do when they arrive at Ronald Mcdonald House Toronto is to create a design for the door to their own room. Tonight I personalized Jake's door, and that lead my thoughts down memory lane to our other 2 trips here. I thought it would be nice to find those images and share them with you all as a reminder of how far Super Baby Jake has come. Praising God for Jake's life, and thanking all of you for every prayer sent heaven-ward for my son.
Trip 1 - Began in March 2013 when I was 36 weeks pregnant with Jake. We waited here 3 weeks for him to be born, then on his birthdate we got into RMH. This trip lasted about 11 weeks in total, 8 of those were with Jake at SickKids. In this trip he had his Norwood, an emergency repair of his aortic archway, and recieved his first pacemaker. This was our door on that trip...
And here's a clip of Jake in the hospital...
Trip #2 - September 2013, this trip lasted about 4 weeks and Jake had a heart cath and his Bidirectional Glenn procedure. He also got a new, adult sized pacemaker on this trip. Here was our door and my sweet five month old all prepped for the operating room...
Trip #3 - here we are! No idea how long this one will be, but I am thankful that there will be no open heart procedure while we are here. Here's our door and my handsome now 18 month old boy...
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