I'm at a loss for how to begin this post. Let's start with Lukey's Top 10, counting down Letterman style. Some of these he couldn't enjoy for the last few years of his life, but I'm including them anyway!
10. Fetch, Lukey style - It's been at least five years since Lukey has played fetch BUT....this was his favourite game as a puppy. My boy was stubborn and liked to do things his way so our version of the game was this: human throws the object, then puppy runs and grabs it. Human says come here puppy...puppy runs away and a game of catch Lukey ensues....oh wonderful memories!
9. Benefuls - Cue the head tilt with this word! Lukey loved Benefuls with a passion.
8. The park - again cue the head tilt! Any park, Lukey didn't care!
7. Expressive sounds - Collies are known for their unique expressions and Lukey was no exception. Barking, moaning, groaning, crying...he did it all. He particularly hated it when people danced in his house!
6. Visiting his Nanna, Poppa and London the beagle - all the love and all the food is how Lukey would likely describe his time with them, and his sleepovers with them. Thank you for all the joy.
5. Other dogs - were most frequently the cause of his cries and moans, my dramatic big boy. His cousins London and Gilbert will miss his calming presence I know.
4. Walks - cue the head tilt once again! Any walk, any length, any speed, anywhere. LOVE.
3. Cheese - Cue the biggest head tilt! All we had to do was touch the wrapper in the fridge and Lukey would appear. Cheese was his big love, in every form possible - even as pill camouflage in his last days!
2. Butt Rubs - Any visitor to our house would be quickly offered Lukey's hindquarters, and pushed against until they complied. I am sure we spent many hours in total rubbing those huge butt cheeks :)
1. Being close to his humans. Especially me. Lukey was my shadow, and a large shadow in a small house. I wish I could trip over him again. Here we are in his final hours. We sat here all afternoon, right up until the vet pulled into our driveway.
On July 4th 2016 I lost my forever friend, but I like to think that his final day was a good one. Here's how it went...
Lukey got a homestyle breakfast served to him by the kids. Bacon, egg and toast and he ate the whole works with us sitting beside him.
Then we all got ready for the day ahead, and took our mopey selves outside to where Lukey loved to sit in our yard and watch all the comings and goings. We were expecting some special visitors, and just wanted to focus completely on Lukey and sharing our love with him. First, we did a small brushing, and then a sugar cookie cologne for good measure :)
Then the loving began. There is something so pure about the love of a dog, I know it has been written about and sung about but there is genuinely nothing more loyal , steady hearted, or loving than a dog like Lukey.
Then lunch! A picnic!
And more loving...
Earlier in the day we asked Lukey if he wanted to go for a walk, but he was too uncomfortable to stand up. As the day progressed, we asked again and this time he got up and we went less than halfway up our street before he was ready to turn around. He got his final leg of the walk from Jake. Oh, my heart. I hope you are running through the fields of heaven now Lukey, leaping and free from pain. I hope you are with Nugget and Loppy too.
Then two of Lukey's favourite people came to visit. And to hug and kiss. The kids went with Nanna and Poppa while Jon and I hung out on the lawn and waiting for the compassionate care vet.
Then the vet came. And we said goodbye in the most peaceful way imaginable, in our backyard and cuddled with Lukey on the grass. I hope you are happy my sweet boy. There will never be another like you.
Today I said goodbye to my old friend
I pray some day we get to meet again
Under one more clear, blue sky
Up there where the eagles fly
I pray some day we get to meet again
Under one more clear, blue sky
Up there where the eagles fly
And we'll go walking in the sunshine
With a big smile on our face
Race the river to the ocean
Go splashing in the waves
And I'll wrap my arms around you
We'll be together once again
And I'll tell you how much I've missed you
My old friend
With a big smile on our face
Race the river to the ocean
Go splashing in the waves
And I'll wrap my arms around you
We'll be together once again
And I'll tell you how much I've missed you
My old friend
Yeah, I know you're up there looking down
On that rainbow bridge we talked about
There's a place for me and you
Somewhere up there behind the moon
On that rainbow bridge we talked about
There's a place for me and you
Somewhere up there behind the moon
- Johnny Reid