Friday, April 4, 2014

Happy 1st Birthday Superbaby Jake!

April 4 is Jacob's birthday.  As of 1:43pm today, my superhero is a one year old.  I've been so emotional this week, and today especially.  It's a huge milestone for us.  I remember not that long ago sitting in SickKids hospital praying for Jacob to live, to have a chance to be happy and to reach his first birthday.  My prayers were more than answered.  Jake is the happiest, sweetest little boy I know.  When life hands him lemons, they usually take the form of hospital visits, pokes and prods and needles; but this boy makes the sweetest lemonade.  Happy birthday, my darling.  We love you so much.

This past week Jake was hospitalized for 2 days because of a virus.  The swab results came back today to show that it was not RSV, thankfully.  I wound up taking Jake to the emergency room twice on Monday, first in the morning and then again at night.  At the night visit we were admitted because of low oxygen saturations.  Jake was needing help fighting off this virus.  Jon and I spent two days/nights with Jake there, thanks to my sister, Mom and Dad for watching Georgia and to a great neighbour for helping take care of our dog.  Of course, this all had to take place during one of the largest storms we have had this winter.  Never a dull moment in our lives!  He's doing better today, still coughing and lots of runny nose fluids, but our happy baby made a reappearance on Wednesday when he was discharged from the Janeway.

I took this video of Jake when he came off the oxygen at the hospital, and was starting to act like himself again.  Prepare to be charmed by Mr. Peekaboo!

Jake`s first birthday gift today was an echo with our favourite cardiologist, Dr. T.  Looking back over the events since Jake`s diagnosis, this doctor is one of the people I am most thankful for.  I truly believe that she was meant to be Jake`s cardiologist, and that the bond that has developed between her and my family is a gift.  The latest update on Jake`s heart is that his Left Pulmonary Artery appears to be growing with him, although it still remains about 50% smaller than his Right Pulmonary Artery.  To be more specific, his RPA is 8 mm, and his Left is 4.5 mm.  It`s a drastic difference, but so far there has been very little change except for the growth that it has made in the last six months.  We are still keeping a very close eye on that, but there is good reason to believe that it may hold it`s own until Jake is due for his next open heart surgery, the Fontan procedure, when an attempt to correct the issue can be made.  Until then, we`ll eat cake and be happy...

I`m so thankful for my children.  Georgia has become the best big Sister that Jake could have.  We were at a playgroup a couple of weeks ago, and Georgia and Jake were sitting on a  playmat when another child came over and reached out to touch Jake`s feeding tube.  Georgia leaned over and told this little girl  "You can`t touch have germs"! Honestly, I kid you not.  I am so impressed with her.

Claire's 3rd Annual Craft Fair was a big success, the numbers from the event were that not including children under 12, 450 people came through the doors that day.  Our local NL Heart Support Group was there with an awareness table, to help spread knowledge of Congenital Heart Defects.  Here are a few pictures from that event.  I am so proud to have been a part of it, and hope to make it a regular part of our life to spread CHD awareness.  Baby Jake was representing there, too!

Tonight we are celebrating Jake's birthday with family, and next weekend we are having a Superman party with all his friends.  We have so many reasons to celebrate and be thankful, so that is what we will do!

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