Tuesday, February 5, 2013

My Heart Warrior

We had an ultrasound today, and after hearing many positive comments from the nurses and doctors we wanted to share that with you all.  Jacob is weighing in at 3lbs 11oz, at just 31 weeks and 1 day old.  The measurements from the ultrasound showed that he is measuring about 5 days further - 30 weeks 6 days.  My little warrior is thriving despite the odds.  Thank you God!  There were several extra tests and measurements that they did, covering such things as fetal movement, breathing, fluid density and heart rate - and the nurse told us that Jacob scored 100% on all of these! How amazing is that - with only half a heart my baby boy is staying strong and thriving!  There is power in prayer!

February 7-14 marks Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week (CHD Awareness Week).  Congenital Heart Defects are the most common type of birth defect in Canada and the US.  Although Jacob's diagnosis is a rare one, I want to celebrate Jacob's progress every day!

If you have been following along with us on this blog, than you may remember me being upset over a statistic that we received in Toronto almost 2 weeks ago.  The fetal cardiologist told us that 75% of DILV children live to the age of 10 (which is 10% better than the stats of the original diagnosis of HLHS).  Being a Mom, I took this to heart to mean that my baby would likely have more health issues to deal with after the age of 10.  After speaking to the pediatric cardiologist at home, I now feel a million times more positive about this statistic.  Our cardiologist held my hand and explained that the quote was from a study that followed babies from birth to ten years of age - hence the 10 year mark.  It was not meant to imply that Jacob would not live past 10, or would have to deal with other major issues after the age of 10.  The possibility always exists that his heart may not thrive, or may fail, but these are unlikely scenarios after he has made it through the 3 initial surgeries and has a heart that works well with only the left side.  In fact, the cardiologist told us that the oldest survivors of single ventricle surgeries are living high quality lives with few limitations - and there is no reason why Jacob will not be just like them.  That is a reason to celebrate!

We have been overwhelmed by the generosity of others over these past couple of weeks, it seems like whenever I turn around someone wants to give financially or to organize a fundraiser on our behalf - I don't know how I am ever going to be able to say Thank You enough times to all of these people.  But maybe, in a few years Jacob himself will be able to say thank you - and that will be so much better than hearing the words from me!  I'm especially thankful for all the prayers - keep sending them up!

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