Monday, January 14, 2013

The first trip to Toronto...

Since Jacob’s diagnosis I have been having an ultrasound every 2-3 weeks at the Maternal Fetal Assessment Unit and with the Pediatric Cardiologist.  At our last two ultrasounds the cardiologist has told us that from looking at the baby’s heart, she thinks two positive things are working in Jacob’s favour.  First, it looks like there is a hole in his heart between the two chambers that is allowing some blood flow (with standard HLHS there is no blood flow in this direction, or very minimal).  Secondly, it appears that the main aorta is larger than originally thought.  These two factors combined, if they are indeed the case, would make the first surgery slightly less risky because less reconstruction may be necessary.  We were strongly cautioned by the cardiologist that she did not know this for sure – the only way to be sure is to go to Toronto to see the specialist at Sick Kids and have further testing done.  So, we leave next week for a three night trip to Toronto to have a fetal echocardiogram and ultrasound at Sick Kids.  This testing day will determine if these two possibly positive factors exist or not.

These two ultrasounds that had potentially positive news came after we had reached out to our families, friends and church for prayer on Jacob’s behalf.  Each time I sat with the cardiologist and she had something good to say, there was a strong voice in the back of my head saying – this is happening because of all the prayer, and all the faith that we have in the Great Physician.  I have one more ultrasound before leaving for this short trip to TO – please pray that the cardiologist continues to see these positive elements in Jacob’s heart.    

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