Thursday, March 21, 2013

We have arrived!

Good Morning World! I am very happy and extremely relieved to be able to say that Jon and I are safely in Toronto, and baby Jacob is still happily in-utero.  This past week has been filled with braxton hicks (sometimes painful ones!), lots of pressure, and other details that I will spare you but are worrisome when you don't want to go into labour in Newfoundland.  The flight attendants seemed a little concerned every time I got out of my seat to head to the bathroom, but I constantly reassured them that I was indeed fine :) Apparently being pregnant gives you a free pass to the front of the bathroom line on the plane - that was a much appreciated perk!

Jon and I are settling into our home away from home while waiting for Jacob to arrive, many thanks to a fellow Newfoundlander for welcoming us and making us comfortable - Thank you Heather!

Dad - I really missed your "egg in a hole" at breakfast this morning.  Thank you for making that for me so often! I really feel the need to send a shout out to my parents - they came into town four days before we were flying out, and right around the time that I was ordered to stay off my feet for long periods of time, and took control of the chaos.  My daughter is happy and slightly spoiled, my house is spotless, and my heart is feeling reassured and almost ready for what is to come.  I love you Mom and Dad.  Thank you for being there in so many ways.  I'll never forget that moment just before I walked out the door to go the airport when my Mom gave me a long hug while praying over me and Jacob.  My animals are about to be well spoiled too, thanks to my wonderful friend Krista.  So at this moment in time I have nothing to complain about, and I'm feeling thankful for the good that is in my life.  I really believe that baby Jake will be coming through with flying colours and will soon be in his blue bedroom at home.

On Friday we have two appointments - Fetal Cardiology at Sick Kids and my Obstetrician at Mount Sinai.  So here we go - stage 2 of our journey.  Now to find the closest Tim Horton's so I can have my two daily steeped teas and try to win at Toyota.  

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