The doctors were able to successfully close Jacob's chest two days ago. Since then we've been on a roller coaster ride of temperatures, possible infection or inflammation, high blood pressure, low oxygen levels, fluid buildup in his left lung, and so on. It's one step forward, one step back in perpetuity. Today Jacob's x-ray revealed that there was fluid buildup in his left lung, so he was started on physio to help his work the fluid out and to help the nurses be able to suction the fluid out.
After a depressing start to the day things began to turn around. Two physio sessions later, the doctor decided that Jacob could have his atrial tube (which has been in place since his Norwood) removed and this procedure went really well - only five minutes! Then they decided to turn his external pacemaker to backup mode and let his little heart beat on it's own. If he tolerates this well the plan is to let him do his own beating for two days, and this testing will determine if he gets his pacer next week or on another trip. When I left the hospital today he was doing really well on his own - beating in the 100-110 range! The icing on the cake is that they plan to extubate Jacob tonight or early tomorrow and he will then be off the respirator. I can't wait to see his little face without the respirator in his nose and all that brown tape holding it in place.
So, at the moment I am cautiously optimistic. Maybe we'll get in a few good strides forward without being interrupted by a setback. I'm believing! Jacob spent a large portion of today wide awake, looking up at me with his beautiful eyes, squeezing my finger tight and sucking strongly on his pacifier. Every day I read him the story Love You Forever, usually 2-3 times a day, and I think he likes it :)
Georgia is doing well here - she has made Ronald Mcdonald House her home away from home and the other people in the house have nicknamed her "Princess". Nanna is working hard to keep her occupied, we are really going to miss her when she leaves. Poppa is very much missed - especially his early morning time with Jake and his Egg in a Hole breakfasts! At Sick Kids there is a Playroom and a Starlight Room that keep Georgia happy while we take turns sitting with Jake. Last night Georgia and Nanna took in the musical Tails at Sick Kids, performed by doctors, nurses and volunteers. Georgia helped them with the sound check :) Next Thursday I would like to go see it!
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